Sensorfication – making products simply intelligent

An innovative, multimodal modular system consisting of sensors and intelligent evaluation electronics with integrated AI now enables faster and more efficient product realization, especially for the life science, medical technology and biotech markets. The career of a developer is usually shaped at a young age. For birthdays or at Christmas, there are the first construction […]

We grow together: The foundation of accensors GmbH

We grow together: The foundation of accensors GmbH As of January 1, 2023, accensors stands on its own – as an independent GmbH! We proudly look back at our journey: What began as a business unit of innoME has developed into a standalone company with a clear focus. Our mission? The continuous technological advancement of […]

accensors becomes addSensors!

We are pleased to announce that we have changed our name to addSensors GmbH.
Why addSensors?

Because our sensors are made to be added seamlessly to you products!

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