How accensors was born and where the name came from.

In June 2019, the idea of concentrating the work in the field of foil sensor technology under a separate brand name was born.

“The work and products of innoME GmbH are very different and partly industry-oriented. As a young company, it is difficult to implement a uniform market approach, especially since both target markets and target customers are different,” says founder and CEO Eike Kottkamp, explaining the background to the accensors brand name.

Diversification for more customer focus

On 01.01.2020 the InnoME now operates in three business units, each with its own brand name. The development, realisation (production & qualification) as well as the distribution of foil sensors are managed under the brand name “accensors”.

The work in the field of modular cell culture analysis systems will be presented under the brand name “zenCELL” and also sold under this brand. With PHABIOC, innoME is establishing a third brand for the development and distribution of consumables in the field of drug discovery and drug development.

Where does the name “accensors” have its origin?

“Since we are not only developing and realising foil sensors in the accensors sector, in addition also actuators and emitters, we were looking for a significant name that suggests sensors, but also creates further space for interpretations. The name “Accensors” won our naming competition, not least because there is an ambiguity of ” ac = actuator” and “Accelerate”. Products can be accelerated smart and intelligent thanks to foil sensor technology,” says Jannik Koch, marketing specialist at InnoME, explaining the naming process.

The accensors brand will be officially visible on the market starting on 20.04.2020 and should be strongly expanded.

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